Your face is dynamic—making millions of movements every day. Repetitive movements like laughing and talking create facial lines called dynamic wrinkles and folds.
Because these areas are mobile, treating facial lines can be difficult. Sometimes fillers can make the treated area look stiff and unnatural when the face is moving.
The RHA Collection is different. It is designed to be resilient enough to adapt to your dynamic facial movements for a look that’s beautiful at rest and flawless in motion.
The RHA Collection was developed in Switzerland and is one of the most popular brands of filler used in Europe. Launa loves RHA and is proud to be in the top 1% of U.S. injectors of RHA.
Your skin naturally contains hyaluronic acid (HA), which provides moisture, volume, and structure that help it appear smooth and refreshed. Your skin produces less HA over time as we age.
The RHA Collection uses a gentle manufacturing process to help preserve the natural structure of HA—allowing it to more closely resemble the HA in your skin—for clean beauty.